The Tempest Act 3 | Questions and Answer | Question 8


Question 8

Q. How are Caliban and Ariel different? What are the differences between the two servants? [10 Marks]

Ariel and Caliban are especially unique in nature and appearance. Ariel, as his name recommends, is an airy spirit, ethereal, while Caliban is gross and brutish. Both are associated with the witch Sycorax who managed the island before Prospero. Ariel was detained and held captivated by her before being rescued by Prospero as it was unable to carry out her harsh and extremely unpleasant activities, while Caliban is her son, a devil with unpleasant and devilish mindset. Both are workers of Prospero. Ariel displaces out immense supernatural accomplishments at his lord's summon while Caliban is just a hireling.

Caliban protests all the time at his bondage; he hates Prospero profoundly and in the end abandons him for another Stephano and plans to kill him, in spite of the fact that he will be thwarted and failed in this. Ariel seems, by all accounts, to be much more exceptionally esteemed as a hireling by Prospero than is the savage Caliban, however Ariel, too hints at some discontent with his bondage, reminding Prospero mightily at one purpose of Prospero's guarantee to free him. However, when Prospero is imitated by this, he rapidly apologizes Caliban curses Prospero throughout the play for the ill-treatment he receives and also for the fact that Prospero took over and rules the island which he thinks belongs to him, while Ariel is very obedient and follows everything that Prospero speaks because he is its master. He also apologized for getting off task and obediently got back to work.

Caliban is a conscious and keenly observant person. He is also eloquent and forceful. A poetical touch in his nature seems to be the only redeeming feature in his character. His curses show the vigour and intensity of his feelings and show how he abuses the language taught to him.

Ariel on the other hand, on orders of his master, creates magical auras and beautiful music that can hypnotize anybody. As Ariel comes closer to his freedom, his demeanour becomes more confident and less submissive. He becomes more independent, and thus more strength in character. Whereas in Caliban there grows more hatred for Prospero and a pessimistic attitude that things would not change for him in a positive way. He is scared to have been punished again eventually. In the end, judged as per deeds, Ariel gets his freedom and Caliban also gets forgiven for his misdeeds but receives the punishment of cleaning Prospero's cell.


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